Penlon is ready to respond to requests for ventilators and patient monitors for the NHS.
We are in discussions with the MHRA and other NHS authorities at the moment to understand all possible ways that we could help the NHS serve patients during this period.
Penlon are able to offer a solution for ventilation requirements and we have initiated plans and actions to ramp up our manufacturing capacity to meet this requirement. We wish to thank all the companies that have contacted us, offering their help, support and resources.
Whilst we wait for the Government to provide it’s requirements, we have developed our own action plan in anticipation of the UK priorities and will do all we can to meet the demand.
Ventilator Challenge UK Consortium presented with a President’s Special Award from the Royal Academy of Engineering for their part in tackling COVID-19.
VentilatorChallengeUK marks the end of the consortium after delivering 13,437 ventilators to the NHS
The Penlon ESO 2 Emergency Ventilator today received internationally recognised CE Mark approval for the treatment of COVID-19 patients
Tim Rance, Production Manager at Penlon, talks about the ESO 2 Emergency Ventilator, the VentilatorChallengeUK (VCUK) consortium and working at Penlon during the coronavirus pandemic.